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Gallery Sitka Invites GALA Members to Exhibit

Sitka-LogoGallery Sitka and GALA are collaborating to help local artists. Gallery Sitka is proud to offer GALA Members an opportunity to show in their gallery.
Interested artists (3 or more artists should be included) should
summit a group statement for their show, bios, images of work to
be included and CVs for each artist. This kit can be emailed
to or can be dropped off at Gallery Sitka,
454 Main St., Fitchburg, MA 01420.

GALA artists will be offered a low 35% commission rate on
sales for group shows of 3+ artists. The artists should contribute
$5 per piece as a hanging fee. GALA artists must show their
membership cards. Gallery Sitka will help to support GALA by giving our organization 5% of the 35% commission.

Shows will be scheduled around the gallery’s existing show
dates. Gallery Sitka will create a press release and promote the show via
email and web platforms. GALA will promote the show in our monthly

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